Why this tool?

Hear from an author of BPH outcome studies.

What is this tool

This is an interactive web-based tool developed solely to facilitate visualisation and understanding of results from multivariate statistical modelling studies published open access by:

*Watch the animated videos to help you better understand the publications in an appealing way


The statistical models have been built using data from more than 9000 patients with BPH and at risk of disease progression, from three dutasteride vs. placebo trials (ARIA3001, ARIA3002 and ARIB3003) and one trial comparing the active therapies dutasteride, tamsulosin and combination (CombAT) that support both description of the natural history of the disease and treatments response (Roehrborn CG, Boyle P, Nickel JC, et al. Urology 2002;60:434–41; Roehrborn CG, Siami P, Barkin J, et al. Eur Urol 2010;57:123–31). The estimations from placebo are made using a model trained on monotherapy data only. Covariates included in the statistical models were selected based on their clinical relevance.

How to use this tool

1. Click the button below to make the app full-screen.

2. The mean values for the covariates on the sidebar are set based on average baseline values observed in the studies used in the models. You may reset to these values any time by clicking on Reset button at the top. Use the sliders and buttons to set the value of each covariate. Only those relevant to outcomes are available on the sidebar. The range of values are restricted to inclusion criteria from CombAT and ARIA/B studies.

3. Select the tab for each treatment outcome to view the results.

4. The treatment profile based on the selected covariates may be viewed with or without 95% confidence intervals. The y-axis on the figures may be fixed or allowed to change according to the results. You can hide/unhide treatment trajectories by clicking on the legend below the figure. For IPSS or BII results, you may select between absolute or percentage change from baseline. The set of predictors used to estimate the outcomes are shown on the banner at the top of each tab.

5. The estimates are also available in tabular form for all outcomes by time and treatment group. The 'Tables' tab displays these estimates at Years 1 - 4.

6. Read the 'Restrictions' tab to better understand the limitations to the use of this tool.

7. When visualising the tool on mobile or tablet devices, you will need to rotate your device for an optimal visualisation of results. We recommend to use larger screen like laptop or desktop for better interactive experience.

8. The 'Questionnaires' tab contain questions from IPSS (Storage, Voiding, QoL) and BII questionnaires along with their scores for reference purposes.

Liability disclaimer

Click the button below to show the liability disclaimer.

AUR: acute urinary retention
AUR/S: acute urinary retention or BPH related surgery
BPH: benign prostatic hyperplasia
BII: benign prostatic hyperplasia impact index
CombAT: Combination of Avodart and Tamsulosin
IPSS: International Prostate Symptom Score
LUTS: lower urinary tract symptoms
PSA: prostate specific antigen
Qmax: maximum flow rate
QoL: Quality of Life